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Bone Health: Physical Education, Sports and Physical Activity
During the past several years we have talked, on this website, about the benefits of physical activity on bone health and bone mineral density (BMD). Bone health and BMD are related to osteogenesi
Customer Praise for Fitness Awards
p.sansserif{font:1.25em calibri,sans-serif;} Several months ago, I spoke with you in regards to using the Fitness Finders program in conjunction with our 4-H Companion Animal Clu
Customer Praise for Mileage Club
p.sansserif{font:1.25em calibri,sans-serif;} "I grew up in a small town called Dresden in northwest Tennessee. When I was in the fourth grade, the P.E. instructor in my elementar
Customer Praise for Mileage Club and Active Living Awards
p.sansserif{font:1.25em calibri,sans-serif;} "I just want to tell you folks how much I personally love your tokens and programs and how much our school has benefited from using t
Customer Praise for Reading Incentives
p.sansserif{font:1.25em calibri,sans-serif;} "I wanted to tell you I applied for a grant for the first time for this Paws for Reading program and guess what?? I got it!! I will b
Overweight Youth - A Growing Epidemic
On November 12, 2009 CNN reported on a story that every teacher, administrator, school board member and parent should read. Essentially the report noted that: Children are not playing outside
Physical Education: A Possible Way to Decrease Heart Disease Risk in Youth
In November 2009, at the annual American Heart Association meeting in Orlando FL, German researchers reported something that many have suspected. That is, daily physical education helps decrease c
Schools, Junk Food and Soda Pop
Times are a' changing when it comes to school foods in vending machines and school canteens. A recent CDC (2008) report, summarized in the October 5, 2009 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report , t
Strength Training: It's Impact on Young People's Health
Strength training, properly performed, is not only for athletes. It is ideal for all ages, especially those who are between the ages of 10 to 18. These benefits can be grouped into 3 broad categor
The Science Behind Behavior Change
The science behind behavior change is the story of motivation and habit, which in neuroscience is the story of dopamine receptor activation and the separate story of long term potentiation. Wha