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Customer Praise for Fitness Awards
Last Updated: 01/11/2012

Several months ago, I spoke with you in regards to using the Fitness Finders program in conjunction with our 4-H Companion Animal Club. I am so glad to say that we are two months into the program. In June, I taught a lesson on obesity in dogs and the members decided to be dedicated to walking their dogs not only for health benefits (for both) but just to spend time together. We use the Mega Mileage forms.

The participants keep up with 'regular' fitness activities as well as dog walking activities. The youth receive a toe token for every five miles and a paw print for every five dog walking miles. The youth wear the bracelets with the charms all the time so I hope this will recruit new members. I plan to incorporate the monthly motivators for a reward for our group activities (visits to the vet clinic, dog walking at the shelter, etc.) I love all the new charms! I can change the tokens to keep the participants from losing interest. Thanks for a wonderful program!

Youth Worker, Alabama

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